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The nine lives of Lucifer

If your cat doesn't read, share with him out loud the story of the nine lives of Lucifer. all the salt of a life of community between a feline and his humans is beautifully chiseled there. "What if Lucifer - the cat - had presided over human destinies by influencing the Great Men during his successive existences? All you have to do is add a little touch of imagination to each chapter. But would it really be imagination?" Reading the 9 lives of Lucifer we find ourselves in the strange atmosphere of the daily life that we share with our four-legged companions. The author's words are tender and humorous and sensitivity flows constantly like living water between the lines. It is a magnificent tribute to our furry friends and the emotion present in each chapter reminds us how precious life is and how much we miss our cats and dogs when they leave us.


The nine lives of Lucifer

19,50 €Prix
expédition prévue fin mai

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